Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Resolution #2022-32 Authorizing approval of the fee schedules increasing licensed establishment fees by 20%
Public Health Madison & Dane County Fee Schedules will re-establish the fee increase for the licensed establishment program that, pre-pandemic, was intended to be implemented in 2020. Revenue from the fee increase will be used to transition the three positions (2 sanitarians, 1 supervisor) that were created in fall 2021 with COVID Recovery funds from grant to program fee support, aligned with the model licensed establishment program. The fee increase will also support a supplemental 1.0 FTE Bilingual Clerk I-II for improved program efficiency responding to high priority complaints in licensed establishments meeting our PHMDC policy and FDA standards for response time. The Bilingual Clerk will provide more equitable customer service leading to quality relationships with our licensed establishment operators, ultimately improving compliance outcomes at licensed establishments.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County, on behalf of Public Health Madison and Dane County, authorizes a 20% increase to the Public Health Madison & Dane County licensed establishment fee schedules and establishes the above mentioned fee schedules, effective January 1, 2023.