Fiscal Note
The revenues from this license (starting at $30,000 per year, subject to a 3% annual escalator) will be deposited to the Parks Division’s Operating Budget (Munis 51110-43522). No appropriation is required. The License Fee schedule is included on page 26 of Exhibit B.
Authorizing the execution of a License with CCATT LLC for premises at Breese Stevens located at 917 E. Mifflin Street. (6th AD)
WHEREAS, the City is the owner of certain real property located at 917 E. Mifflin Street, Madison, Wisconsin, and depicted on attached Exhibit A (“Property”); and
WHEREAS, the City and TeleCorp Realty, LLC, as predecessor-in-interest to CCATT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Licensee”) are parties to a license, dated May 17, 2001 (“2001 License”), pertaining to the placement by Licensee of telecommunications lightpole monopole (“Tower”) within the City-owned park commonly known as Breese Stevens Field located at the Property as well as the placement of an equipment shelter (“Shelter”) for housing telecommunications equipment on land located near the base of the Tower; and
WHEREAS, the 2001 License expired on June 17, 2021, with no remaining options for renewal; and
WHEREAS, staff from the City’s Office of Real Estate Services and Licensee have negotiated terms and conditions for a new license agreement allowing for continued use, operation and maintenance of the Tower and Shelter at the Property.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the License, substantially on the terms and conditions detailed in the License, attached to this resolution as Exhibit B.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute any other documents as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this resolution in a form approved by the City Attorney.