Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance amends the Fire Prevention Code (Chapter 34) and the Conveyance Code (Chapter 40) of the Madison General Ordinances, updating and modifying fire protection and elevator inspection guidelines and requirements. Fiscal changes include the creation of a fine of $100 for failing to schedule a final inspection for work permits issued under Chapter 34 and an increase in the fee for conveyance permits from $50 to $75. The Fire Department anticipates an increase in revenue of approximately $75,000 per year from the increase in conveyance permit fees. Other changes are not expected to have a significant fiscal impact.
Amending Chapters 34 and 40 of the Madison General Ordinances to update fire protection and elevator inspection guidelines and requirements.
This ordinance includes the following changes to Chapter 34:
• Updates references to other Madison General Ordinances.
• Updates references to the International Fire Code (IFC) to reflect renumbering and retitling of various IFC sections.
• Updates references to the Wisconsin Administrative Code to reflect revisions to titles of various sections
• Modifies provisions related to inspections and permitting of flammable and combustible liquid storage to reflect that the Fire Department no longer does plan review under Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter ATCP 93 for flammable and combustible liquid tanks.
• Modifies the permitting process for performing work on fire protection systems found to be out of service by allowing work to begin immediately, with a requirement of immediate e-mail notification to the Fire Department and submission of a work permit within three days.
• Creates a fine of $100 for failing to schedule a final inspection for work permits issued under Chapter 34.
• Modifies licensing requirements for recharging fire extinguishers by adding a separate provision addressing Rusoh fire extinguishers.
• Adds to Section 34.403 a new requirement for crowd management plans for general admission and festival seating events when the gathering is at or above 75% of the approved capacity for the venue. The purpose is to require venues to plan, set-up, and actively manage events to prevent crowd crushes and surges that might result in mass casualty events.
• Updates requirements related to fire command centers in high-rise buildings.
• Updates requirements related to standpipe systems.
• Updates procedures for obtaining a permit for outdoor assembly areas, and specifies the fee amount is $250 (which is currently the amount for plan review when not otherwise specified in Chapter 34.)
• Creates a new section 34.3103 specifying when temporary tents and membrane structures require a permit or approval from the Fire Department.
• Creates a new section 34.5607 creating reporting requirements for blasting operations.
This ordinance includes the following changes to Chapter 40:
• Updates provisions in Chapter 40 related to reporting tests of elevators, including shortening the time period for submitting a report from 30 to 15 days.
• Increases the fees for permits under Chapter 40 from $50 to $75.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 of Subdivision (c) entitled “Fees for Reinspections” of Subsection (6) entitled “Issuance of Orders” of Section 34.01 entitled “General Provisions” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“1. Any person who shall fail fails to comply with any lawful order of the Chief issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall be assessed one hundred dollars ($100) per inspection, for compliance inspections in excess of one after the initial reinspection, if the violations found remain uncorrected.”
2. Subsection (9) entitled “Board of Building Code, Fire Code, Conveyance Code and Licensing Appeals” of Section 34.01 entitled “General Provisions” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(9) Board of Building Code, Fire Code, Conveyance Code and Licensing Appeals . The Board of Building Code, Fire Code, Conveyance Code and Licensing Appeals, as established in Sec. 29.18, MGO, shall act upon appeals from the decision of the Chief in respect to the provisions of this code and to advise the Chief on any matters regarding this code on which the Chief may request its opinion. The Department shall be bound by the appeals process outlined in this section and not IFC section 108 111.”
3. Subdivision (d) of Section (13) entitled “Adoption by Reference: State and National Codes” of Section 34.01 entitled “General Provisions” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(d) The following Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapters:
SPS 305 - Licenses, Certifications and Registrations
SPS 307 - Explosive Materials Explosives and Fireworks
SPS 310 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Flammable, Combustible, and Hazardous Liquids
SPS 314 - Fire Prevention
SPS 316 - Electrical
SPS 318 - Elevators, Escalators and Lift Devices
SPS 328 - Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
SPS 340 - Gas Systems
SPS 343 - Anhydrous Ammonia
SPS 361-366 - Wisconsin Commercial Building
SPS 366 - Existing Buildings
SPS 375-379 - Buildings Constructed Prior to 1914
SPS 381 380-387 - Plumbing”
4. Subsection (15) entitled “Penalties” of Section 34.01 entitled “General Provisions” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(15) Penalties . Violations shall be prosecuted as outlined within this code. The Department shall not follow IFC section 109.2.1 and 109.3 112.4.”
5. Subdivison (a) of Subsection (1) entitled “Work Permit Required” of Section 34.02 entitled “Work Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(a) A Work Permit is required to install, erect, construct, add to, enlarge, move, improve, alter, convert, extend, replace components, or demolish or cause the same to be done, or commence any work covered by this code.
1. A Work Permit must be obtained prior to commencing any such work on any of the following:
a. Fire protection and Life Safety systems (IFC Chapter 9):
i. Exceptions: Fire extinguishers (IFC 906), single- and multi-station smoke alarms (IFC 907.2.11), carbon monoxide detection (IFC 915).
b. Electronic locks access control, delayed egress, stair door locking system or device (IFC Chapter 10).
c. LPG containers (IFC Chapter 61).
d. High-piled storage arrays (IFC Chapter 32).
e. Flammable and combustible liquid storage arrangements, including any system subject to plan review under Wis. Admin. Code ch. ATCP 93 (IFC Chapter 57). Closure, change in use or temporary removal of any (above ground) tank system (in excess of sixty (60) gallons and less than five thousand (5,000) gallons) not regulated by SPS 310.
2. Work may begin on fire protection systems found to be out of service or otherwise not functioning immediately; with an email notification to fireprevention with contractor information, address of work to be completed, and description of work. A work permit shall be submitted within three (3) days.
2 3. The issuance or granting of a permit and approval of plans or specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code.
3 4. The issuance or granting of a permit and approval of plans or specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code.
4 5. A Work Permit is not required for repairs and component replacement.
5 6. The Chief may require a Work Permit or design documents for systems, projects or fire and life safety aspects associated with the use and occupancy of building and premises that fall in the scope of this code.”
6. Paragraph 4. of Subdivison () entitled “State-owned Buildings” of Subsection (1) entitled “Work Permit Required” of Section 34.02 entitled “Work Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“4. The Chief shall inspect the fire protection systems in state owned buildings. See Sec. 34.02(2)5.(d) For for the applicable inspection fee.”
7. Subdivision (k) entitled “Failure to Schedule Final Inspection” of Subsection (1), entitled “Work Permit Required” of Section 34.02, entitled “Work Permits” is created to read as follows:
“(k) Failure to Schedule Final Inspection . A penalty fee of one hundred dollars ($100) shall be assessed to the applicant of a work permit, for failure to schedule a final inspection once work has been completed.”
8. Paragraph 3 of Subdivision (a) entitled “Fees for Work Permits” of Subsection (2) entitled “Fees” of Section 34.02, entitled “Work Permits” is created to read as follows:
“3. The fees for limited area systems or components are established in Sec. 34.02(2)8(h).”
9. Paragraph 9. entitled “Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Federally Regulated Hazardous Substances” of Subdivision (h) entitled “Fee Schedule” of Subsection (2) entitled “Fees” of Section 34.02 entitled “Work Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“9. Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Federally Regulated Hazardous Substances
New systems and system modifications - Wis. Admin. Code ch. DCTP 93.
Closure, change in use or temporary removal of any above-ground tank system, in excess of sixty (60) gallons and less than five thousand (5,000) gallons, regulated by SPS 310 ATCP 93 - $250”
10. Subsection (3) of Section 34.03 entitled “Records for Inspecting, Testing & Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems” of the Madison General Ordinances is repealed:
11. Subsection (10) of Section 34.105 entitled “Licenses and Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(10) The IFC section 105.6.30 105.5.34 exception for recreational fires is not included as part of this code. In addition to the requirements found in IFC section 105.6.30 307.1 to 307.5, a permit is required for recreational fires. A permit is not required for outdoor cooking, fire in approved outdoor fireplaces, campfires in approved campgrounds and burning related to training for fire departments.”
12. Subdivision (b) entitled “Pyrotechnic Special Effects Materials” of Subsection (14) of Section 34.105 entitled “Licenses and Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(b) Pyrotechnic Special Effects Materials . An operational permit is required for the use and handling of pyrotechnic special effects materials before a proximate audience or in a motion picture, television, theatrical and group entertainment productions. A permit is required for each display. The permit fee is two hundred and fifty dollars ($250). All use and handling of pyrotechnic special effect materials shall comply with the requirements found in IFC section 105.6.40 105.5.41, IFC chapter 56 and Sec. 34.5608, MGO. A fireworks event permit in accordance with Sec. 34.5608(5) is not required.”
13. Subsection (18) of Section 34.105 entitled “Licenses and Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(18) A license is required to recharge and service fire extinguishers in accordance with Sec. 34.906, except as follows: any person who has completed the Rusoh Online Certification Program may inspect and service the Rusoh fire extinguisher, the certificate of completion for the training shall be available and provided upon request by the Chief.”
14. Subsection (19) of Section 34.105 entitled “Licenses and Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(19) The following exceptions are in addition to the exceptions found in IFC section 105.6.43 105.5.49 - tents or canopies used for retail sales adjunct to a business; however a building permit is required. Funeral tents and curtain or extensions attached thereto, when used for funeral services.”
15. Subsection (19) of Section 34.105 entitled “Licenses and Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(20) The requirements of the following IFC subsections are not included as part of this code:
Section 105.1.3 105.1.3 Permits for same location
Section 105.5.17 Fire hydrants and valves
Section 105.5.18 Flammable and combustible liquids - omit 1., 4., 6., and 7.
Section 105.5.19 Floor finishing
Section 105.5.20 Fruit and crop ripening
Section 105.5.21 Fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging
Section 105.5.25 Hot work operations
Section 105.5.26 Industrial ovens
Section 105.5.29 LP-gas
Section 105.5.31 Miscellaneous combustible storage
Section 105.5.32 Mobile food preparation vehicle
Section 105.5.35 Open flames and torches
Section 105.5.36 Open flames and candles
Section 105.5.38 Outdoor assembly event
Section 105.5.40 Plant extraction systems
Section 105.5.41 Private fire hydrants
Section 105.5.44 Refrigeration equipment
Section 105.5.46 Rooftop heliports
Section 105.5.50 Tire-rebuilding plants”
16. Subsection (21) of Section 34.105 entitled “Licenses and Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is repealed.
17. Subsection (22) of Section 34.105 entitled “Licenses and Permits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended:
“(22) Section 105.7 of the IFC is hereby amended to revise the title. "Work Permits," refer to Sec. 34.02, Work Permits.
(a) The following language is substituted for IFC section 105.7.12 :
A Work Permit is required for the installation or modification of all Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) retail cylinder exchanges and for LPG containers of one hundred (100) gallons, or aggregate, water capacity or more.
(b) The following IFC subsections are not included as part of this code:
Section 105.7.2 Battery systems
Section 105.7.3 Capacitor energy storage systems
Section 105.7.4 105.6.2 Compressed gases
Section 105.7.5 105.6.3 Cryogenic fluids
Section 105.7.6 105.6.4 Emergency responder radio coverage system
Section 105.6.5 Energy storage systems
Section 105.7.10 105.6.9 Fuel cell power systems
Section 105.7.12 105.6.11 Gates and barricades across fire apparatus
Section 105.7.13 105.6.12 Hazardous materials
Section 105.7.15 105.6.14 Industrial ovens
Section 105.7.17 105.6.16 Motor vehicle repair rooms and booths
Section 105.7.18 105.6.17 Plant extraction system
Section 105.7.21 105.6.20 Solar photovoltaic systems
Section 105.7.22 105.6.21 Special event structures
Section 105.7.23 105.6.22 Spraying or dipping
Section 105.7.25 105.6.24 Temporary membrane structures and tents”
18. Section 34.321 entitled “Exhibit and Trade Shows” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
Exhibits and trade shows shall comply with section of the 2015 edition of NFPA 1.”
19. Section 31.403 entitled “Emergency Preparedness Requirements” of the Madison General Ordinances is repealed and recreated as follows:
(1) Crowd Management
(a) Indoor facilities and outdoor events where people are confined by fences or other barriers and outdoor events, involve a gathering of more than two hundred fifty (250) people indoors or more than one thousand (1,000) people outdoors, crowd managers shall be provided in accordance with IFC sections 403.11.3.1 to 403.11.3.3. Only qualified persons who have participated in an approved crowd manager training or certification may serve as a crowd manager.
(b) Crowd management plans are required for general admission and festival seating events such as community events, concerts and sporting events where people are confined by walls, fences, barriers, buildings and other configurations that limit ingress and egress and when the gathering is at or above 75% of the approved capacity for the venue.
(c) Crowd Management Plan Requirements
1. Events must be set-up and actively managed to prevent a crowd crush, crowd surge or other hazards associated with crowd behavior. A crowd management plan detailing the means and methods used to mitigate unsafe crowd behaviors that may cause injuries or deaths such as, but not limited to, crowd crush, crowd surge, crowd surfing and/or body passing shall be developed. The plan must detail the roles and responsibilities of the event organizer, venue staff and management, music promoter, security, performers and all event staff in ensuring a safe event. The event organizers, music promoter, security, performers and all event staff must be trained in accordance with the plan. The plan and associated training must be specific to the event. The plan shall not delegate any prevention or mitigation actions to any city personnel. The plan shall be in accordance with a nationally recognized standard for crowd management, such as the Event Safety Guide.”
20. Section 35.508 entitled “Fire Command Center” of the Madison General Ordinances is repealed and recreated as follows:
(1) The following requirements are in addition to the requirements found in IFC section 508.1.1
(a) The fire command center door shall be visible from the building main entrance unless otherwise approved by the Fire Chief.
(2) The following requirements are in addition to the requirements found in IFC section 508.1.6, item 5
(a) The status indicators and controls for air-handling systems required in subsection 5., shall be provided on the fire-fighters control panel, with the appearance and performance required in IFC section 909.16”
21. Section 34.603 entitled “Fuel-Fired Appliances” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
The following language is substituted for IFC section 603.4 605.5:
Portable unvented fuel-fired heating equipment is prohibited, except during construction or demolition of a building as allowed under IFC section 3303 3304.”
22. Section 34.604 entitled “Electrical Equipment, Wiring and Hazards” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
The following requirements are in addition to the requirements found in IFC section 604 603:
(1) Extension Cords and Relocatable Power Taps .
(a) Definitions .
"Extension cord" means a cord set consisting of a length of flexible cord with an attachment plug at one end and a cord connector, which permits the connection of one or more attachment plugs, at the other end.
"Relocatable power tap" means a system consisting of an attachment plug cap and a length of flexible cord terminated in an enclosure in which one or more receptacles are mounted. A relocatable power tap may be provided with supplementary overcurrent protection, switches, indicator lights, transient voltage surge suppressors, or electromagnetic interference filters.
(b) Listing . Extension cords and relocatable power taps shall be listed by an approved nationally recognized testing agency.
(c) General Requirements .
1. Extension cords shall only be used for temporary wiring and shall not be substituted for permanent wiring.
2. Extension cords shall be of a 3-wire grounding type when used in conjunction with devices equipped with 3-prong grounding type attachment plugs.
(d) Ampacity . The current carrying capacity of the extension cord or relocatable power tap may not be exceeded.
(e) Use of Extension Cords and Relocatable Power Taps .
1. Except as provided in subdivision (1)(c), extension cords and relocatable power taps may not be multiplied or plugged into one another.
2. Extension cords may be used for temporary wiring at construction sites provided the cords comply with Article 305 of the National Electrical Code as adopted in Wis. Admin. Code ch. SPS 316.
3. Extension cords shall be permitted only with portable appliances, hand tools or fixtures.
4. Relocatable power taps are permitted only with portable electronic equipment such as audio-visual equipment, computers and peripheral equipment.
5. Except for listed adapter cord sets intended for construction site use, each extension cord shall serve only one portable appliance, hand tool or fixture.
(f) Physical Protection .
1. Extension cords and relocatable power taps shall be protected from physical impact and environmental damage.
2. Extension cords and relocatable power taps may not be attached to structures or placed under doors or floor coverings.”
23. Section 34.607 entitled “Commercial Kitchen Hoods” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
The following requirements are in addition to the requirements in IFC chapter 607 606:
“(1) Licensed Cleaning Services Required .
Only qualified persons who have obtained a license in accordance with Sec. 34.105(17), MGO, for cleaning commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct systems shall perform the cleaning of commercial kitchen exhaust hoods and duct systems. The Chief shall issue such license after an applicant has either:
(a) Passed a written examination in commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct systems cleaning administered by the Fire Department. Upon successful completion of written examination, applicant will be issued a certification number; or
(b) Provided proof of certification or qualification in commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct systems cleaning from another jurisdiction or other recognized organization that that has a standard equivalent with sub (a) and has been approved by the Chief.
(c) The tag required by IFC 607. 606. shall include the license number of the individual certified in accordance with this section.”
24. Section 34.904 entitled “Commercial Cooking Systems” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
(1) The following requirements are in addition to the requirements found in IFC section 904.12 904.13:
Duct and hood systems, including the fire extinguishing system, shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 96, as referenced in Wis. Admin. Code chs. SPS 361 to 365 366.
(2) The following language is substituted for IFC section 904.12.5 904.13.5:
Automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be serviced at least every six (6) months and after every activation of the system. Inspection shall be by qualified individuals and a certificate of inspection shall be maintained and made available to the Chief upon request.”
25. Section 34.905 entitled “Standpipe Systems” of the Madison General Ordinances is created as follows:
The following requirements are in addition to the requirements found in IFC section 905.4. Class 1 standpipe hose connections shall be located at the intermediate floor landing unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. Where there is no intermediate landings, the hose valve shall be located on opposite end of stairway from the door to the floor.”
26. Subsection (3) entitled “Licensed Contractors Required” of Section 34.906 entitled “Fire Extinguishers” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(3) Licensed Contractors Required .
Only qualified persons who have obtained a license in accordance with Sec. 34.105, MGO for such work shall do the recharging and servicing of fire extinguishers. The Chief shall issue such license after examination of the applicant, to make sure the applicant understands the requirements for recharging. The following is an exception: any person who has completed the Rusoh Online Certification Program may inspect and service the Rusoh fire extinguisher. The certificate of completion for the training shall be available and provided upon request by the Chief.”
27. Section 34.1001 entitled “Administration” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
(1) In IFC section 1001 the phrases "Sections 1003 through 1029 1031 shall apply to new construction. Section 1030 1032 shall apply to existing buildings." are not included as part of this code.
(2) The following language is in addition to IFC section 1001:
1001.3 Existing Buildings. Sections 1003 through 1030 1031 shall apply to existing buildings.
Exceptions: Means of egress conforming to the requirements of the building code under which they were constructed shall be considered as complying means of egress if, in the opinion of the Chief, they do not constitute a hazard to life.
28. Section 34.1004 entitled “Occupant Load” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“34.1004 - OCCUPANT LOAD.
The occupant load for outdoor assembly areas such as beer gardens, beer tents, concerts and other areas where individuals are confined by barriers for assembly uses shall be approved by the Fire Chief. A Work Permit in accordance with Sec. 34.02 is required.
The work permit application is available at:
A set of instructions for calculating the outdoor capacity can be obtained by sending an email to:
The plan review fee for a new outdoor assembly area capacity review is $250. The fee for revisions to a previously approved capacity is $50.”
29. Section 34.1029 entitled “Assembly” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“34.1029 - Assembly.
The following exception is added to the exceptions found in IFC section 1029.15 1030.15:
Seats not fastened to the floor are permitted for companions of a person with a disability.”
30. Subsection (4) entitled “Storage and Handling” of Section 34.5601 entitled “Recreational Fireworks” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(4) Storage and Handling . The following requirements are in addition to the requirements in IFC section 5704.1 5604.1:
(a) Storage and Handling . The following requirements are in addition to the requirements in IFC section 5704.1:
(b) No person may store recreational fireworks within one hundred (100) feet of a dwelling.
(c) No person may store recreational fireworks within one hundred (100) feet of a public assemblage or place where gasoline or volatile liquid is sold in quantities exceeding one gallon.”
31. Section 34.3103 entitled “Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures” of the Madison General Ordinances is created as follows:
The following exceptions in IFC Chapter 3103.2 will be omitted and not included as part of this code:
(1) Tents open on all sides that comply with the following:
(a) Individual tents having a maximum size of 700 square feet (65 m sq)
(b) The aggregate area of multiple tents place side by side without a fire break clearance of 12 feet (3658 mm), not exceeding 700 square feet (65 m sq) total.
(c) A minimum clearance of 12 feet (3658 mm) to all structures and other tents.”
32. Section 34.5607 entitled “Blasting” of the Madison General Ordinances is created as follows:
“34.5607 - BLASTING.
(1) The following requirements are in addition to the requirements found in IFC Section 5607:
(a) Daily notification for blasting operations are required; with an email notification to:
(b) Seismograph reports shall be submitted within 48 hours of blasting operations; by email to:”
33. Subsection (2) of Section 34.5704 entitled “Storage Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(2) Approval from the Chief shall be required for the closure, change-in-service or the temporary removal from service of any tank system for flammable and combustible liquids. Tank "system" includes aboveground and underground storage tanks in excess of sixty (60) gallons andless than five thousand (5,000) gallons. The tank “system” system components including but not limited to piping, vents, leak detection, cathodic protection and spill or overfill protection systems. Documents submitted under this section shall comply with all requirements found in Sec. 34.02, MGO.”
34. Paragraph 2. of Subdivision () entitled “Periodic Tests” of Subsection (3) entitled “Types of Inspection or Tests” of Section 40.09 entitled “Inspection Responsibilities” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“2. Reports containing complete information for these tests shall be kept on site in a conspicuous location adjacent to the conveyance controller on Madison Fire Department test form. Within thirty (30) fifteen (15) days of testing, results shall be reported electronically via the City of Madison electronic reporting system. Incomplete tests or failed tests shall be submitted within three (3) business days to the Madison Fire Department for review.”
35. Subsection (2) entitled “Periodic Inspection and Reinspection Fees” of Section 40.11 entitled “Fees” of the Madison General Ordinances is Amended as follows:
“(2) Periodic Inspection and Reinspection Fees . Fees for periodic inspections of all classes of conveyance devices within the scope of this chapter shall be determined in accordance with the fee table in sub (1). Fees for periodic reinspections in excess of one After the initial reinspection, fees shall be determined in accordance with the fee table in sub (1).”
36. Subsection (5) entitled “Fee for Permit to Operate” of Section 40.11 entitled “Fees” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended as follows:
“(5) Fee for Permit to Operate . The fee for a permit to operate under this chapter shall be fifty dollars ($50) seventy-five dollars ($75) effective January 1, 2012 2023. Such fee shall be paid with any inspection fees due and owing to the Clerk of the City of Madison. The City shall retain the inspection fee and forward the permit fee to the Department of Safety and Professional Services.”
Section 34.403 currently reads as follows:
Indoor facilities and outdoor events where people are confined by fences or other barriers and outdoor events, involve a gathering of more than two hundred fifty (250) people indoors or more than one thousand (1,000) people outdoors, crowd managers shall be provided in accordance with IFC sections 403.12.3.1 through 403.12.3.3. Only qualified persons who have participated in an approved crowd manager training or certification may serve as a crowd manager.”
Section 34.508 currently reads as follows:
The following requirements are in addition to the requirements found in IFC section 508.1.5, item 5:
The status indicators and controls for air-handling systems required in subsection 5., shall be provided on the fire-fighters control panel, with the appearance and performance required in IFC section 909.16.”