Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
Amending and updating the City of Madison's Extraterritorial Plat Approval Jurisdiction within which the City will continue to review land divisions and subdivision plats.
WHEREAS Section 236.10 of Wisconsin Statutes authorize municipalities to exercise plat review outside their boundaries; and
WHEREAS Section 236.02(5) defines “Extraterritorial plat approval jurisdiction" as the unincorporated area within three (3) miles of the corporate limits of a first, second or third class city, or one and a half (1 1/2 miles) of a fourth class city or a village; and
WHEREAS Section 236.10(5) of Wisconsin Statutes permits a municipality to determine by resolution those portions of its statutorily defined extraterritorial area in which it will exercise plat approval controls; and
WHEREAS there have been changes in the boundaries of the City of Madison and neighboring municipalities since the last resolution to establish the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Madison in May 2002; and
WHEREAS since the last resolution establishing the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction, the City has entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Town of Cottage Grove and into cooperative plans with the City of Fitchburg and the Towns of Middleton, Blooming Grove, and Burke, said agreement and plans establishing where the City will review development, and in the case of Middleton and Burke, establish future City boundaries; and
WHEREAS the City is a city of the second class according to the State of Wisconsin and may therefore exercise extraterritorial review of subdivisions and land divisions up to three (3) miles from its current boundaries; and
WHEREAS the City seeks to exercise its extraterritorial jurisdiction to ensure that development in areas identified on the map is compatible with adjacent development patterns and maintains the general land development pattern of the area in question, considering lot...
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