Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an amendment to an existing contract (#8939) for professional architectural and engineering design services for the CCB remodel. The original bid for design consulting work was for $751,258 and was split up into 4 phases of work (Phase 1 Master Plan, Phase 2 Design/Construction of CCB First Floor, Phase 3 Design/Construction of CCB Fourth Floor, and Phase 4 Design/Construction of CCB Fifth Floor). Only $310,710 was previously encumbered for the completion of Phases 1 and 2. Phases 3 and 4 were to be contingent upon future budget approvals.
1. $77,095 of design work is being moved from the Phase 4 to Phase 2.
2. $10,400 for redesigning certain Phase 2 elements already completed.
3. $5,200 of new work added to Phase 2 for designing upgrades to the existing Sister City Display cabinet.
4. A total of $92,695 needs to be encumbered for the above mentioned work.
Funding is available in MUNIS Projects 12393, 11840, and 11841. No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the existing Purchase of Services contract (Architect) (#8939) between the City of Madison and Continuum Architects + Planners S.C. to provide professional architectural and engineering design services for the CCB Remodeling of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Floors, more specifically the Phase 2 project for the first floor. (4th AD)
The parties, the City of Madison ("City") and Continuum Architects + Planners S.C. ("Architect") entered into a contract for the purchase of professional architectural design and construction administration services for CCB Remodeling of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Floors on February 22, 2021 (RES-21-00091, FILE ID 63502). This contract amendment is to address extra services to the Architect as follows:
1. The original projet concept was to have 3 smaller projects constructed independently by floor. The design team has determined that by desig...
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