Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the acceptance of a Wisconsin Department of Administration Law Enforcement Agencies Safer Communities grant. The $833,338 grant will reimburse expenditures from March 15, 2022 through June 30, 2023 for certain costs associated with Madison Police Department (MPD) hiring, training, testing, and equipping law enforcement officers; updating technology and policies; and implementing new crime-reduction initiatives.
The resolution also amends MPD’s 2022 operating budget to appropriate $669,938 of the grant funding for purposes delineated in the resolution. MPD will propose a plan as part of their 2023 Operating Budget Request for using the remaining grant funds ($163,400). The grant does not require any city matching funds and there is no impact on the levy.
A Resolution amending the 2022 Operating Budgets of the Police Department; and accepting $833,338 from the Wisconsin Department of Administration Law Enforcement Agencies Safer Communities fund to support law enforcement
WHEREAS on March 15, 2022, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers announced? a new investment of more than $50 million to help make Wisconsin communities safer, including nearly $19 million to be allocated to every local and tribal Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) in the state, through the state’s American Rescue Plan Act funds; and,
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Administration has notified the Madison Police Department that its allocation is $833,338 and can be used to reimburse expenditures from March 15, 2022 through June 30, 2023 for certain costs associated with hiring, training, testing, and equipping law-enforcement officers, as well as updating certain technology and policies and implementing new crime-reduction initiatives; and,
WHEREAS, the Police Department has been seeking ways to improve officer recruitment and retention, and improve operations and initiatives to better align with its community policing goals of increased le...
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