Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2022 Parks Division Capital Budget Olbrich Botanical Complex project (Project 17193) to recognize fulfillment of Olbrich Botanical Society’s (OBS) contribution commitment of $6,000,000 and adjust final invoicing of OBS to reflect $92,946.05 of direct expenses paid by OBS as part of the project for furniture, plants and planters. In addition, the resolution authorizes acceptance and appropriation of Focus on Energy Incentives of $14,002.03; Insurance Claim Reimbursement from Engle Martin & Associates in the amount of $34,440.22 for water damage caused to Information Technology equipment during construction; and transfers existing general obligation-supported funding authorization of $36,612.92 from the 2021 Parks Division’s Park Facility Improvements (Major Project 17443) Olbrich Sprinkler and Irrigation project (Project 13447) to offset the increased General Obligation Debt.
Amending the 2022 Adopted Capital Budget of the Parks Division’s Olbrich Botanical Gardens- Expansion project. (15th AD)
WHEREAS, the Olbrich Botanical Gardens Expansion project, which includes the construction of a 9,200 square foot Learning Center and a new 11,000 square foot state-of-the-art Greenhouse, was jointly planned, designed and funded with the Olbrich Botanical Society was completed in 2020 with the goal of meeting the project budget, including scaling back initial designs; and
WHEREAS, in 2018, the project encountered unanticipated costs, including fire protection and life safety code requirements of connected buildings within the campus, additional structural requirements caused by poor soil conditions requiring new support structures and requirement of a Storm Water Management plan by MGO 37.06, which placed estimated cost of completion at above the authorized project budget; and
WHEREAS, on May 15, 2018, Common Council authorized RES-18-00398, Leg File 51436 Amending the 2018 Adopted Capital Budgets of the Pa...
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