Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution deletes the classification of Water Hydrant Inspector in CG16, R12, creates a new classification of Water Hydrant Inspector in CG16, R13, and reallocates the incumbents into the new positions in the Water Utility operating budget. The estimated cost in 2022 is $3,570, including benefits and will be absorbed in the agency’s budget. The estimated annual cost is $5,200, including benefits.
Delete the classification of Water Hydrant Inspector in CG16, R12, and create a new classification of Water Hydrant Inspector in CG16, R13. Recreate position numbers #1842, #1843, #4095 to Water Hydrant Inspector (CG16, R13), and reallocate incumbents R. Lockner, K. Erickson, and D. Laux into the new positions in the Water Utility operating budget.
Resolution deleting the classification of Water Hydrant Inspector in CG16, R12 and creating a new classification of Water Hydrant Inspector in CG16, R13. Be it further resolved that position #1842, #1843, #4095, currently identified as Water Hydrant Inspector (CG16, R12), is deleted and recreated as a 1.0 FTE Water Hydrant Inspector (CG 16, R13) and reallocate incumbents R. Lockner, K. Erickson, and D. Laux into the new positions, thereof.