Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution recreates position #3815 of Administrative Clerk 1 in the Parks Division as a Program Assistant 1 in CG 20, Range 11 and reallocates the incumbent to the new position. The estimated cost in 2022 is $1,700, including benefits and will be absorbed in the agency’s budget. The estimated annual cost is $3,300, including benefits.
Recreate position #3815 of Administrative Clerk 1 as a Program Assistant 1 in CG 20, Range 11 and reallocate the employee, C. Abarca, to the new position.
Resolution to delete position #3815 of Administrative Clerk 1 in CG 20, Range 9 and recreate the position as a Program Assistant 1 in CG 20, Range 11; and reallocate the employee (C. Abarca) to the new position in the Parks Division operating budget, thereof.