Fiscal Note
Traffic Engineering purchases through its operating budget a variety of materials associated with fabricating and installing street signage. Typically, the agency purchases and encumbers amounts for these materials early in the year and a portion of the costs are reassigned to capital projects as work is performed throughout the year. Due to increased prices, signing materials are consuming a much larger portion of Traffic Engineering’s supplies budget. Though a large portion of these costs are expected to be charged to capital projects throughout the year, in the short-term, signage materials are limiting the agency’s ability to purchase needed supplies in other service areas.
Due to vacancies, Traffic Engineering currently projects salary savings of over $300k. The proposed resolution transfers $92,000 from the agency’s salaries budget to its supplies budget. This increased budget ceiling for supplies will allow the agency to accommodate increased signage costs in the short-term, while still making purchases in other services areas.
Additionally, the proposed resolution transfers $20,000 from Traffic Engineering's salaries budget to its purchased service budget to support training. This training will help promote employee retention and professional development.
In total, the resolution transfers $112,000 from Traffic Engineering's existing salaries budget with $92,000 to supplies and $20,000 to purchased services. The resolution does not increase the agency's net expenditure authority.
Amending the 2022 Adopted Operating Budget for Traffic Engineering to transfer $112,000 from personnel to supplies to accommodate increased costs for signage materials and training.
WHEREAS, Traffic Engineering purchases through its operating budget materials for the fabrication, installation, and replacement of streets signs; and
WHEREAS, inflation has increased the costs of signing materials and is consuming a larger portion of Traffic Engine...
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