Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution would recreate the vacant position #1726 from an Administrative Clerk 1 (CG20, R9) to a Planning GIS Specialist (CG18, R9). The annualized cost of the proposed reclassification is $23,700 (including benefits). Cost associated with the reclassification were included in the 2022 Adopted Streets Division Budget, funded by the Urban Forestry Special Charge. No additional appropriation is required.
Delete vacant position #1726 of Administrative Clerk 1 in Compensation Group 20, Range 09 in the Streets and Urban Forestry Division operating budget; and recreate the position as a Planning GIS Specialist in Compensation Group 18, Range 09.
Resolution to delete position #1726 of Administrative Clerk 1 (CG 20, Range 09) in the Streets and Urban Forestry Division operating budget; and recreate the position as a Planning GIS Specialist in Comp Group 18, Range 09, in the Streets and Urban Forestry Division operating budget, thereof.