Fiscal Note
No additional City appropriation is required with restarting the proposed Neighborhood Development Plan planning process. City costs associated with urban development in this area will be included in future operating and capital budgets subject to Common Council approval.
Authorizing the City of Madison Planning Division to restart the Shady Wood Neighborhood Development Plan planning process
WHEREAS, in 2009, City staff prepared a Draft Shady Wood Neighborhood Development Plan (NDP) as part of a public planning process; and
WHEREAS, stakeholder concerns over the Draft Plan’s recommended open space corridor for the Ice Age Trail resulted in only the 40-acre, Phase A portion of the NDP being adopted; and
WHEREAS, in recent years there has been significant progress toward achieving the open space corridor for the Ice Age Trail envisioned in the Draft NDP. This progress includes a generous donation of 8.3 acres of land by Lloyd and Jo Ann Bitzer for the planned Bitzer Family Preserve; the City of Madison/Dane County acquisition of 40 acres along Woods Road for what is now Moraine Woods Park; and the Dane County/City of Madison/City of Verona/Town of Verona acquisition of 40 acres immediately south of Moraine Woods Park; and
WHEREAS, recent progress toward achieving an open space corridor for the Ice Age Trail increases the likelihood an NDP will be formally adopted for the entire planning area.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison Planning Division is authorized to restart the Shady Wood Neighborhood Development Plan planning process.