Fiscal Note
No additional City appropriation is required in 2022 for the proposed maintenance contract. Funding for the annual maintenance of the New World Public Safety System is included in the Police Department’s 2022 adopted operating budget. Funding for the purchase and implementation of the New World Public Safety Socrata police analytics dashboard and module and maintenance for the first two years is included in the Police Technology and Equipment capital program.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a ten (10) year contract selected on a non-competitive true sole source basis for annual maintenance with Tyler Technologies for its existing New World Public Safety System and sign a contract to purchase an analytics dashboard and module through Tyler Technologies
WHEREAS, the Madison Police Department (MPD) has significant technology needs to ensure effective daily law enforcement operations, including communications, timely data, updated technology and records management systems; and,
WHEREAS, in 2011, a Council resolution (File ID # 23403) authorized MPD to sign a contract with New World Systems Corporation to upgrade the police department's records management system, for which the associated support and maintenance contract ran for a term of 10 years ending in 2021; and,
WHEREAS, in the intervening years, New World Systems Corporation was purchased by Tyler Technologies, who is also the owner of the City of Madison’s ERP software system; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison pays Tyler Technologies for a variety of services, such as continued support and maintenance, and the purchase of additional enhancements, modules and associated software products; and,
WHEREAS, MPD’s records management system is currently shared by a consortium of Dane County law enforcement agencies which provide funding to the City for access to the system and support services; and,
WHEREAS, the current contract expires December 31, 2021 and the proposed 1...
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