Fiscal Note
No additional City appropriation required.
Authorizing the Mayor to solicit funds for the purpose of improvements and services to the temporary campground at 3202 Dairy Drive and to establish and operate a permanent men’s shelter.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has established an urban campground to assist individuals to transition to more permanent housing solutions; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council are currently exploring opportunities to establish and maintain a permanent men’s shelter; and
WHEREAS, continuing to address the challenges of providing safe and secure housing alternatives to City of Madison residents requires financial resources, support and participant from all levels of the public sector as well as the private sector and nonprofit organizations; and
WHEREAS, given the scarcity of public resources, the City of Madison seeks and appreciates the involvement of individuals, businesses, and charitable organizations; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Ethics Code, Sec 3.35(5)(a)2, Madison General Ordinances, authorizes solicitation of donations from third parties provided that: a) the funds are to be used for a City project or for a conference to be held within the City, b) the solicitation has been approved by a resolution of the Common Council, c) the entity receiving the funds in not an entity which is associated with the City elected officials or employees who are soliciting the donations, and 4) a report of the amount and date of contributions and contributors for all donations for the project is filed with the City Clerk within six months of the receipt of the donation;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Madison that, pursuant to MGO Sec. 3.35(5)(a)2, the Mayor and staff of the Community Development Division are authorized to solicit funds and in-kind donations on behalf of the City, for the purpose of improving and operating the campground at 3202 Dairy Drive and for the establishment...
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