Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the Parks Division to remove a damaged water craft near Marshall Park and Boat Launch in Lake Mendota. The owner has neglected to remove the vessel and has indicated they do not have the means to remove it prior to the lake freezing. Failure to remove the vessel will create impediments to other boaters and will potentially cost the City more money in the future to remove if it is further damaged. The total estimated budget for the project is $15,000. The cost of removal will be funded by the 2021 Parks Division purchased services budget. No additional appropriation is required.
Directing the Parks Division to remove the disabled watercraft within the Marshall Park Harbor Pursuant to Wis. Stat. Sec. 30.16(1)
WHEREAS, since August 18, 2021, a large watercraft owned by Don’Ronnell Varese of 4764 Felland Rd, Madison WI 53704 has remained unlawfully moored in Lake Mendota near Marshall Park unaccompanied and without proper mooring permits; and,
WHEREAS, the vessel, which appears to be disabled, is creating impediments to the free navigation of the water channel and slips within the Marshall Park harbor area of Lake Mendota, creating many complaints from other members of the public wishing to use the space and has been deemed a nuisance by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the City of Madison Parks Division; and,
WHEREAS, the Parks Division and the DNR have made multiple attempts to contact the owner about removing the vessel and have been informed the owner of the vessel does not have the means to do so; and,
WHEREAS, numerous citations have been issued against the watercraft owner by the DNR and Parks but those citations have been unsuccessful in getting the owner to remove the watercraft from the Marshall Park area; and,
WHEREAS, there is a reasonable concern that, due to the condition and location of the watercraft, that if the watercraft is not removed from the water before the...
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