Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2022 carryforward appropriation to transfer $153,000 of GO borrowing from the Streets Minor Building Repairs and Maintenance program to the Street Yard Improvements program. This funding was authorized to support minor building repairs but was underutilized. The funding will instead be used to support drop-off site improvements, including preparing the Olin Avenue and South Point Streets locations to provide full service during the Badger Road salt/sand barn construction project.
SUBSTITUTE - Amending the 2022 Adopted Capital Budget of the Streets Division to appropriate $153,000 of 2019 Carry Forward funds.
WHEREAS, the Common Council authorized spending for the Streets Division for Minor Building Repairs and Maintenance in the 2019 Capital Budget in the amount of $221,000; and,
WHEREAS, remaining funds in the Streets Division Capital Budget for Minor Building Repairs and Maintenance is $153,000; and,
WHEREAS, the Streets Division no longer needs these funds for Minor Building Repairs and Maintenance since all funding is now budgeted through Engineering Facilities Management; and,
WHEREAS, the Streets Division needs this additional funding to modify, improve, and modernize the three drop-off site locations.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 2022 carryforward appropriation is amended to transfer $153,000 of unused GO borrowing authority from the 2019 Streets Minor Building Repairs and Maintenance major program (Munis project 12529) to the Streets Yard Improvement major program (Munis project 11021).