Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
Creating Section 28.022-00529 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of platted lots in the ‘Acacia Ridge’ subdivision including but not limited to properties located at 9304-9332 Tawny Acorn Drive, 9th Aldermanic District (1st Aldermanic District as of January 1, 2022), from TR-C3 (Traditional Residential - Consistent 3) District to TR-P (Traditional Residential - Planned) District.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance rezones platted lots in the platted Acacia Ridge subdivision from TR-C3 to TR-P and amends the Acacia Ridge TR-P master plan to replat 100 single-family lots into 104 single-family lots and replats two outlots for public alley.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Map Amendment 00529 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
"28.022-00529. The following described property is hereby rezoned to TR-P (Traditional Residential - Planned) District.
A portion of Acacia Ridge, located in the SE1/4 of the SE 1/4 and in the SW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 28, T7N, R8E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin to-wit:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Section 28; thence S89°56’35”W, 1278.46 feet along the South line of said SE1/4; thence N00°48’16”E, 659.55 feet; thence S89°57’16”W, 400.71 feet; thence N00°44’27”E, 277.44 feet; thence S89°15’33”E, 218.41 feet to a point of curve; thence Easterly along a curve to the left which has a radius of 281.00 feet and a chord which bears N76°40’06”E, 136.65 feet; thence N62°35’45”E, 48.89 feet; thence S27°24’15”E, 207.30 feet to a point of curve; thence Southerly along a curve to the right which has a radius of 500.00 feet and a chord which bears S22°53’26”E, 78.69 feet; thence N71°37’22”E, 70.90 feet to a point of curve; thence Easterly along a curve to the right which has a radius of 150.00 feet and a chord which bears N80°46’58”E, 47.76 feet; thence N89°56’43”E, 1048.95 feet; thence S01°20’36”W, 761.23 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said described parcel contains 25.253 acres.”