Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
SUBSTITUTE - Amending Table 28I-1 of Section 28.132 of the Madison General Ordinances to add bicycle parking as allowed in front, side and rear yard setbacks, and uncovered decks allowed in permitted setback encroachments.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: MGO 28.132 is amended to include bicycle parking as allowed in the front, side and rear setbacks. By adding bicycle parking to Table 28I-1, bicycle parking will become a permitted setback encroachment in the three categories of yard setbacks.
MGO 28.132 is also amended to allow for uncovered decks to be atop permitted setback encroachments in Table 28I-1. This change will fix inconsistencies in the zoning code that allow for porches and accessory structures in the setback encroachment but does not allow construction of uncovered decks on top of these permitted encroachments.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
See Legistar File No. 67873 Substitute Body in Attachments.