Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a noncompetitive contract with Focus Counseling, Inc. from December 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, at a price not to exceed $1,500,000, for the provision of non-congregate hotel sheltering as an alternative to unsheltered homelessness. The cost of the proposed contract is $215,000 per month. Costs incurred in 2021 will be funded by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds already allocated for Unsheltered Homeless Support in the 2021 Community Development Division’s Operating Budget (adopted RES-21-00487; File No. 65935). Costs incurred in 2022 will be funded by reallocating a portion of the $2.5 million of ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds budgeted for the Hotels Converted to Housing capital project, subject to Common Council approval. No additional City appropriation is required to fund the proposed contract for purchased services.
SUBSTITUTE BY TITLE ONLY: Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a sole source an emergency contract with Focus Counseling, Inc. for the provision of non-congregate hotel sheltering as part of the City’s efforts to provide alternatives to unsheltered homelessness, using American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison’s response to housing instability has included a range of strategies, for example, offering direct financial support to efforts to expand and improve affordable housing choices; revising zoning and land use policies to facilitate more housing options; supporting non-traditional housing models like tiny house villages; assisting those who are housed to remain in their homes; and taking steps to improve the safety, comfort and dignity of congregate shelter facilities for persons who require short-term shelter services, and;
WHEREAS, based on recent Point in Time survey data, collected twice each year, the number of people experiencing homelessness in Madison and Dane Cou...
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