Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution updates the City's policy for special assessments and connection charges for municipal water improvement. Funds will be included in the Madison Water Utility Capital Budget for eligible water system improvements proposed in the future. No additional appropriation is required.
Updating the City’s policy for special assessments and connection charges for municipal water system improvements extended to serve lands within the current and future boundaries of the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison establishes the conditions of connection to the municipal water distribution system to unserved lands within the City of Madison, and;
WHEREAS, providing City water service to properties is a municipal service necessary for the City to grow and assure the preservation of public health, comfort and safety of City residents, and;
WHEREAS, the use of special assessments for the extension of new water distribution infrastructure reduces the impact of new development on current rate payers, and;
WHEREAS, the City has established policies for the assessments and/or connection charges related to water system improvements, but it is necessary and appropriate for the City to update these policies in order to more equitably apportion special assessments and/or connection charges on future public improvement projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Madison policy for assessments and connection charges for municipal water system improvements, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, is hereby approved and shall be the established policy of the City regarding Madison Water Utility special assessments and connection charges, superseding any prior policy or resolution that is inconsistent therewith.