Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes amending the 2021-22 EHH contracts with The Road Home Dane County, increasing the Breese Apartments contract by $9,000 and increasing Shelter from the Storm Ministries Rapid Rehousing contract by $11,000. No additional City appropriation is required with approval of the proposed resolution.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to amend the 2021-22 EHH contracts with The Road Home Dane County and Shelter from the Storm Ministries to add a total of $20,000 of State HAP funds reallocated from other projects.
The City of Madison works closely with Dane County CoC member agencies that serve people experiencing homelessness and those at risk of becoming homeless, and provides leadership and administrative support to the group. This collaborative work includes the City's administration of the State of Wisconsin EHH grant (EHH) on behalf of the Dane County CoC. EHH funds combine the HUD Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), State of Wisconsin Homeless Prevention Program (HPP) and Housing Assistance Program (HAP), and support the following eligible activities: emergency shelter, street outreach, homeless prevention, rapid re-housing and other housing programs, the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), and administration. The State Department of Administration's Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources ("the State") annually distributes available funds among four Wisconsin Continua of Care (CoC) serving Dane, Milwaukee, Racine, and the Balance of State. The Dane County CoC Board of Directors, using an open-competitive process, determines the specific agencies and uses for which State EHH funds are used.
The State awarded the Dane County CoC $650,000 in EHH funds in the 2020-2021 grant cycle. The Common Council authorized accepting the funds on behalf of the Dane County CoC and executing agreements with specific Dane County CoC agencies selected by the CoC Board of Directors on July ...
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