Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution establishes a sister city relationship between the City of Madison and the City of Cusco, Peru in South America. The 2021 operating budget includes $18,000 for the Sister Cities program funded by Room Tax. No additional appropriation is required.
Establishing a sister city relationship between the City of Madison, Wisconsin in the United States and the City of Cusco, Peru in South America.
WHEREAS, the cities of Cusco and Madison desire to cultivate friendly relations based on shared similarities and seek to cooperate in several areas of mutual interest; and,
WHEREAS, the residents of both cities work to establish relationships with, and raise awareness of, indigenous peoples residing within their respective regions; and,
WHEREAS, the sister city partnership will accentuate both cities’ efforts to resolve the issue of polluted waterways and the importance of watershed studies in addressing environmental issues; and,
WHEREAS, a formal relationship will allow both communities to enrich the lives of their residents through the expansion of programs meant to promote arts, tourism, economic development and humanitarian efforts; and,
WHEREAS, ancient indigenous prophecy dictates, “When the Eagle (power symbol of the north) meets the Condor (power symbol of the south), great balance and harmony will bestow the land, bringing hope to the people and healing to the planet”; and,
WHEREAS, the Madison Common Council believes that the requested sister city relationship between the cities of Madison and Cusco will promote a greater understanding of the cultural principles of the two communities and their residents,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Madison Common Council establishes a sister city relationship between the City of Madison in Wisconsin, United States and the City of Cusco in Peru, South America.