Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends RES-20-00803, adopted on December 7, 2020, to change the back-up generator site for the Madison Water Utility Well from Well 29 to Well 12.
Under the previously authorized resolution, the City was authorized to add an additional 600kW standby generator at Well 29 to an existing agreement with Madison Gas and Electric (MGE) at an estimated cost of $100,000 for setup and installation. However, the City and MGE have since determined that Well 12 would be a more appropriate site. The previous resolution transferred funding to support these costs. No additional appropriation is required.
Operating costs for the generator are variable monthly based on energy usage and fuel costs (MUNIS #86362600-54112 and 86318420-53421).
Amending resolution RES-20-00803 to change the generator site location from Madison Water Utility’s Well 29 property to the Well 12 property.
WHEREAS, in resolution RES-20-00803 the Common Council authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to amend the existing standby generator lease agreement with Madison Gas and Electric (MGE) to add a 600 kW generator at Well 29; and
WHEREAS, Madison Water Utility (MWU) and MGE staff have further investigated the placement of this generator and determined that the Well 12 property (801 South Whitney Way) would be a more appropriate site; and,
WHEREAS, MGE has indicated that it would prefer to enter into a new agreement for Well 12 rather than amend the existing agreement for that site; and,
WHEREAS, APM 1-1 requires Common Council approval before the City indemnifies another party in a contract.
NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council amends RES-20-00803 to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter an agreement or an amendment to the existing standby generator lease agreement with Madison Gas and Electric to add a 600 kw generator at Well 12, on terms and conditions that have been approved by the City Attorney; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorizes the indemnification of Madison Gas and Electric Company related to the lease of the standby generator at Well 12.