Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Condemning the use of violence and destruction in any form and for any reason.
WHEREAS, the First Amendment provides the right to freedom of speech allowing individuals to express themselves without government interference or regulation; and,
WHEREAS, the right to assemble allows people to gather for peaceful and lawful purposes and implicit within this right is the right to association and belief; and,
WHEREAS, the freedom of assembly is recognized as limited to the right to associate for First Amendment purposes; and,
WHEREAS, these privileges under the First Amendment comes with accountability of actions, reactions, activities, while assemblage is occurring and; violent actions for any reason destroys the lives of our residents, employees, especially employees in the service industries, and visitors; and,
WHEREAS, we acknowledge that violence begets violence and gun violence has spread across our city and nation at rate that has shaken the safety of our city; and,
WHEREAS, we acknowledge that to end gun violence and any violence we must work diligently with all levels of government, community organizations, and outreach agencies,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of Madison, Wisconsin condemn the use of violence and destruction in any form, and for any reason; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of Madison, Wisconsin demand the end of the use of violence of any form, and for any reason, and supports all agencies working together on this effort; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of Madison, Wisconsin call on public safety agencies to protect all residents, all genders, peaceful protesters, from any form of violence, for any reason, and to protect when call upon any violence directed towards visitors, businesses, public worker, or public officials in the City of Madison; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Mayor and City Common Council of Madison, WI will strive to end violence in our city by 2030.