Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance is a series of ordinances updating to the City’s building code and includes fee changes for building permits. The fee changes are pursuant to the 2021 Adopted Operating Budget, which assumed approximately $350,000 in additional revenue from building permit fee increases. The fee changes comply with State requirements that fees collected are intended to equal the cost of administering and maintaining the Building Inspection program.
Repealing and recreating Chapter 29, Building Code, of the Madison General Ordinances.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This ordinance makes numerous changes to Chapter 29 of the Madison General Ordinances to update the City’s building code. To simplify the changes, the entire chapter is being repealed and recreated. The notable changes are as follows:
1. Adjusting and increasing permit fees as part of the budget proposal to account for the recent and projected decrease in departmental revenue.
• Broadly, adjusted fees are intended to primarily impact large commercial type construction. Impact on fees for residential housing and remodel work will be limited.
• Fees adjustments are projected to account for a decrease in revenue stemming from a slowdown in overall project growth.
• Fees have not been adjusted in over a decade as the continued rapid rate of growth in the City has offset the devaluation of fees during this time.
• The projected adjustment will comply with State requirements that fees collected are intended to equal the cost of administering and maintaining the Building Inspection program.
2. Adjusting text and formatting to create an easier and more streamlined ordinance with more user-friendly design.
3. Aligning and establishing clear and consistent program administration language to more plainly define valid permit timeframes, expiration dates, and renewal procedures.
See "Body" in Attachments.