Fiscal Note
The 2020 Adopted Operating Budget included increasing Public Health’s licensed establishment fees by 17%. A portion of this revenue was intended to fund two newly created positions (1.0 Sanitarian and 1.0 Supervisor). Due to the COVID pandemic and related mandates, many licensed establishments were closed temporarily and the fee increase was suspended due to the financial impacts of COVID on these establishments. As a result, filling the two positions was also put on hold.
The 2021 Executive Budget includes revenue that assumes the 17% fee increase along with maintaining funding for the newly created positions. An amendment was adopted during the Finance Committee deliberations to remove the positions and to reduce budgeted revenue from this fee to be in line with the current rates. This legislation codifies the lower fees in the City’s ordinances.
Licensed Establishments is a revenue based service within Public Health, meaning that any excess of revenue over expenses for this service at yearend is restricted for use within the Licensed Establishment service. At the end of 2019, the restricted fund balance was $466,775. It is anticipated that $335,000 will be added in 2020.
There is no impact on the City General Fund appropriation with this change.
Amending Sections 7.07(8)(g), 7.08(7)(b), 7.15(6)(e), 7.52(4), and 7.53(4) of the Madison General Ordinances to decrease various fee schedules.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: Section 7.07(8)(g) is amended to decrease annual permit fees for food and drink permits. Section 7.08(7)(b) is amended to decrease the annual fee for a temporary restaurant. Section 7.15(6)(e) is amended to decrease the annual fee for a tattoo or body-piercing establishment. Section 7.51(3) is amended to decrease fees for hotels, motels and tourist rooming houses. Section 7.52(4) is amended to decrease fees for recreational and educational camps. Section 7.53 is amended to decrease campground license fees. This ordinance red...
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