Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes a five-year agreement with Electrical Workers Local 159 Labor Management Cooperative Committee Fund Trust, a/k/a The Electric Group at Olin Park for the Holiday Fantasy in Lights Event. The agreement will set forth the terms and conditions upon which the City will allow The Electric Group to use portions of Olin Park to install holiday lights displays and permanent electrical infrastructure to support the event. In addition to a security deposit and direct utility expenses, The Electric Group will pay the City an anticipated fee of $10,000 over the term of the agreement. These revenues will be recognized in the Parks Division Operating Budget as follow: $1,200 in 2020, $1,600 in 2021, $2,000 in 2022, $2,400 in 2023 and $2,800 in 2024.
Authorizing the City to execute an agreement with Electrical Workers Local 159 Labor Management Cooperative Committee Fund Trust, a/k/a The Electric Group for permission to use portions of Olin Park for its Holiday Fantasy in Lights Event, including installing holiday lighting and permanent infrastructure to support the lighting for the years of 2020-2024.
WHEREAS, in 1989, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 159 and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) began displaying holiday lights in Warner Park in the City, moving the display to Olin Turville Park (the “Park”) in 1997, where it has operated annually since; and,
WHEREAS, the Event has become a holiday tradition in the City, and currently consists of over fifty free-standing light displays on and around the Park’s driveway loop that are set up and maintained by User’s staff, which remain on from dusk to dawn nightly, and that is staffed nightly, from 4:30 pm through as late as 11 pm, during mid-to-late November through the New Year, and kept open as a free community amenity, although donations to support the Event are accepted on-site; and,
WHERAS, over time, the IBEW and NECA have installed permanent electrical infrastructure within the Park and invested in energy efficient displays for the Event, growing the display annually and increasing the number of attendees to the Event; and,
WHEREAS, the City’s Parks Division values the Event and believes that the annual use of the Park for this purpose is consistent with the City’s vision for the park and is a seasonally appropriate recreational amenity in the Park; and,
WHEREAS, the City now wishes to memorialize this long-term seasonal use of the Park by entering into this agreement with User, who represents the interets of the IBEW and NECA in the Event.
NOW, THEREFORE, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to enter into a Use Agreement with Electrical Workers Local 159 Labor Management Cooperative Committee Fund Trust, a/k/a The Electric Group, to use portions of Olin Park for the Holiday Fantasy in Lights event in 2020-2024, in a format that is approved by the City Attorney and the Risk Manager, and that is consistent with the agreement attached hereto.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Parks is delegated the authority to act on behalf of the City as set forth in the Agreement.