Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an amendment to the contract with KL Engineering, Inc. for additional
design engineering services for University Avenue at an estimated cost of $60,000. The City would share
the cost of the amendment with the Village of Shorewood Hills, which would provide $38,000. The City’s share
of $22,000 is available in the 2020 Adopted Capital Budget Engineering, University Avenue from Shorewood to
University Bay Project (MUNIS 11168-402-170).
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and KL Engineering, Inc., for additional design engineering services for University Avenue from Shorewood Boulevard to University Bay Drive. (5th AD)
The City and Village of Shorewood Hills are proposing to reconstruct University Avenue from Shorewood Blvd. to University Bay Dr. in 2021. The City of Madison is the lead agency for the project and has entered into a design engineering contract with KL Engineering, Inc. (Contract No. 8089). The City of Madison and Village of Shorewood Hills are both participating in the design and shall cost share the design engineering contract.
The project includes acquisition of right of way and easements for the project. The City Engineer recommends that this work is amended to the contract with KL Engineering, Inc. and cost shared by the Village of Shorewood Hills.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and KL Engineering, Inc., for additional design engineering services for University Avenue from Shorewood Boulevard to University Bay Drive.