Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution extends an agreement with Greyhound Lines, Inc. through which the company provides contributions to the City of Madison to defray maintenance costs for the Dutch Mill Park & Ride lot. Greyhound’s annual contribution is $8,400. This revenue is included annually in Engineering’s operating budget.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an agreement with Greyhound Lines, Inc. to help defray maintenance costs for the Dutch Mill Park & Ride lot. This agreement shall begin October 1, 2020 and shall automatically renew each year on October 1st unless amended or terminated.
In May 1984, the State of Wisconsin and City of Madison entered into a Lease Agreement wherein the state would build, at its expense, the Dutch Mill Park & Ride lot, providing major capital maintenance from time to time, and the City would maintain the lot by providing snow clearance, litter clearance, general upkeep, electricity for lighting the lot, signage, and connecting transit service into Madison.
WHEREAS the City of Madison has an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation wherein the City will maintain the Dutch Mill Park & Ride lot; and,
WHEREAS similar successful agreements with other bus companies have been executed in the past, including Greyhound; and,
WHEREAS the terms of this agreement were negotiated between the City and Greyhound Lines, Inc. and agreed upon,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to enter into an agreement with Greyhound Lines, Inc. to accept an annual contribution for each year of the contract term toward maintenance at Dutch Mill Park & Ride lot.