Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes acceptance of ownership of an informational kiosk located at the 1600 block of Whenona Drive. The Crawford-Marlborough-Nakoma Neighborhood Association is responsible for the installation, maintenance, and repair of the kiosk. City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Metro Transit, and Risk Management have reviewed and conditionally approved the kiosk installation. No City appropriation is required.
Authorizing the City to accept ownership from the Crawford Marlborough Nakoma Neighborhood Association of an outdoor informational message kiosk located in the 1600 block of Whenona Drive. (10th AD)
WHEREAS, the Crawford-Marlborough-Nakoma Neighborhood Association (“Association”) wishes to install and maintain an outdoor informational message board kiosk (“Kiosk”), as illustrated in attached Exhibit A, for the purpose of sharing information from the Association regarding upcoming meetings, neighborhood news, and special events; and
WHERAS, the Kiosk is proposed to be located in the public right-of-way located in the 1600 block of Whenona Drive, immediately north of the Beltline Highway and east of the bike path overpass exit ramp, as depicted in the location maps attached in Exhibit B; and
WHEREAS, staff from the City of Madison (“City”) Engineering Division, Traffic Engineering Division, Metro Transit, and Risk Management have reviewed the Association’s request and approved the installation of the Kiosk subject to the conditions contained herein; and
WHEREAS, City Parks Division has also reviewed the request and approved the installation of the Kiosk, as the Parks Division is responsible for mowing the area near the proposed installation; and
WHEREAS, the Association received a City Neighborhood Grant from City Planning to build and install the Kiosk, and a condition of approval for the City Grant Contract is the execution of a Letter of Agreement between the City and the Association; and
WHEREAS, the A...
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