Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the City to submit an application through the State Routes to Recovery program. Under the current allocations, the City can apply for up to $4.2m from the State for response costs associated with COVID-19. These funds will be used to reiumburse expenditures the City has incurred as part of the COVID response.
A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Finance Director and their designees to sign forms and agree to legal terms necessary to apply and submit claims to FEMA, the State of Wisconsin, and any other source of emergency funding in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
WHEREAS, the federal government through various agencies, including FEMA and the State of Wisconsin, has made available sources of emergency relief funding for local government to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, work is underway to document all eligible expenses, contracts and purchases that may be reimburseable under such programs and prepare to file applications; and
WHEREAS, the $4,156,240.00 in CARES Act funding allocated to the City of Madison through the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration’s “Routes to Recovery: Local Government Aid Grants” program includes legal terms and conditions that the City must agree to when submitting claims under that program; and
WHEREAS, per APM 1-1 and MGO 4.26 city employees and officials cannot bind the City to legal or contractual terms without express authorization; and
WHEREAS, authorization is needed for State’s Routes to Recovery Program by September 1, 2020 to meet the submission deadline for that program;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Common Council authorizes the Mayor or designee, the Finance Director or designee, and any other staff designated by them, to sign documents, agree to terms and conditions (with City Attorney approval) and take all actions necessary to apply and submit claims for all sources of emergency relief funding, including but not limited to FEMA’s Public Assistance program and the State of Wisconsin’s Routes to Recovery Program.