Fiscal Note
The proposed potential contract for annual subscriptions for all of the City’s Adobe product licensing is expected to not exceed $40,000. This subscription licensing is included in the City’s 2020 Adopted Operating Budget. No additional City appropriation is required.
A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a competitively-selected Large Government Agency Agreement with CDW, LLC and/or Adobe, Inc. for annual subscriptions for all of the City’s Adobe product licensing.
WHEREAS, many City employees across all departments must use paid Adobe software products, such as Adobe Acrobat Standard or Pro and specialty products like Creative Cloud, Photoshop, Audition, Dreamweaver, Captivate, Illustrator and InDesign as part of their daily work; and
WHEREAS these paid products are needed in addition to the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader; and
WHEREAS, these product are necessary for work functions such as creating and editing PDF documents, redacting public records requests, creating forms, working with scanned documents, optimizing large maps, compressing documents for email purposes; and
WHEREAS, the City’s licenses for these products were obtained over time and many are currently not supported or will no longer be supported because Adobe is converting to a subscription-based license model. In order to obtain necessary support and continue the use of these products the City must participate in an Adobe subscription program; and
WHEREAS, the benefits of the subscription model are (1) all updates, technical support and maintenance are included in the annual subscription, (2) staff will have the most current version of the Adobe products, (3) security risks of outdated products will be reduced, and (4) administration of the licenses and renewals will be centralized with the IT department; and
WHEREAS, while the City could continue to purchase Adobe subscriptions individually, IT staff have learned of a volume program ...
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