Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an employment contract with Janel Heinrich to serve as the Director for Public Health for Madison and Dane County. As stated in the employment contract, Ms. Heinrich will receive an annual salary totaling $165,000. The Director position is funded in Public Health’s 2020 Adopted Operating Budget.
Confirming the reappointment of Janel Heinrich to the position of Director of Public Health Madison-Dane County subject to the execution of an Employment Services Agreement with Dane County.
WHEREAS, Mayor Rhodes-Conway and County Executive Parisi have reappointed Janel Heinrich to the position of Director of Public Health Madison-Dane County (PHMDC) and have recommended to the Common Council that her reappointment be confirmed; and,
WHEREAS, Dane County and Ms. Heinrich have reached an accord on the terms and conditions of an Employment Services Agreement,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ms. Heinrich's reappointment to the position of Director of Public Health Madison-Dane County is hereby confirmed, and the Mayor and the City agree that the County Executive may execute the Employment Services Agreement with Ms. Heinrich to serve as Director of Public Health Madison-Dane County for a five (5) year period.