Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the City to join a project agreement for construction of an interchange at USH 12/18 and County Highway AB on Madison’s southeast side. As proposed, the $35.0 million project will be a joint effort with the WI Department of Transportation, Dane County, the Town of Cottage Grove, and the Ho-Chunk Nation. The City’s share of the project is estimated to be $5.5 million and will be used for frontage roads that will serve City of Madison parcels.
This project is not currently included in the City’s 2020 Capital Improvement Plan. If adopted, funding for this project will be anticipated in 2022 in the Engineering-Major Streets budget. The project will be funded by GO Borrowing.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a project agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and other project partners to construct an interchange at USH 12/18 and County AB. (16 AD)
WHEREAS two at-grade intersections along USH 12/18 (Beltline Highway), at Millpond Road and County AB, currently have very high injury severity rates; and,
WHEREAS between 2014-2018, the USH 12/18 intersection at Millpond Road experienced 55 crashes (including 17 injuries and 1 fatality) and the County AB intersection experienced 35 crashes (including 19 injuries and 1 fatality); and,
WHEREAS Millpond Road is the second most dangerous intersection in the City of Madison as measured by crash severity. And that the Wisconsin Department of Transportation has identified both of the intersections as having extremely high Potential for Safety Improvement (PSI). The Millpond Rd intersection has the 3rd highest Total Potential for Safety Improvement in the state for two-way stop controlled intersections. If combined with CTH AB, the Total Potential for Safety Improvement is the highest for two way stop controlled intersections in the entire state; and,
WHEREAS vehicle traffic is projected to increase at both the Millpond Road intersection and County AB intersections over the next several years, as areas develop in East Madison and within properties owned by the Ho-Chunk Nation; and,
WHEREAS the County AB interchange is recommended in the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan as well as the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan because it would provide critical and safe access to Madison’s east side; and
WHEREAS in addition to the traffic generated by the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan (and other development on the far east side of Madison), the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (MPO) has identified the Reiner/Sprecher/COUNTY AB corridor as a major regional arterial roadway in its Regional Transportation Plan 2050, intended to move high volumes of vehicular traffic north-south from McFarland to Sun Prairie; and,
WHEREAS since at least 2013, the City of Madison (sometimes in partnership with other area entities) has sent several letters to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, imploring them to address the traffic safety problems in this area; and,
WHEREAS in order to address these unsafe intersections, since 2018 the City of Madison has worked in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Dane County, the Town of Cottage Grove and the Ho-Chunk Nation to identify a roadway design solution that meets the needs of project partners and directly addresses the safety problems that currently exist in this area; and,
WHEREAS the project includes constructing a diamond interchange at County AB, connecting roads to Millpond Road, that eliminate most at-grade conflicts with US 12/18 traffic; and,
WHEREAS the proposal includes multi-use paths and bike lanes along the connecting roadway; and,
WHEREAS about 6 acres of city property along Millpond Road and Long Drive is needed for connecting road right of way, and that the use of this property for right of way is not anticipated to affect the operations of the Yahara Hills golf course. And that dedications of right of way for this project will be authorized as needed following standard City/State policies; and,
WHEREAS the County AB interchange provides a significant safety benefit for both the Millpond Road and County AB intersections, and does not preclude the pursuit of a Meier Road overpass connection near Millpond Road; and,
WHEREAS the City of Madison will continue to plan for and pursue a Meier Road overpass connection; and,
WHEREAS the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is submitting an application for a federal BUILD grant to help fund the construction of the interchange improvements to address the safety concerns raised by the City of Madison, with the grant application being due May 18, 2020; and,
WHEREAS local partners and units of government need to provide funds to match federal dollars associated with the federal BUILD grant; and,
WHEREAS it is customary for the City of Madison to fund the portion of Wisconsin Department of Transportation projects that consist of local roads; and,
WHEREAS of the $35 million dollars associated with the project, up to $5 million dollars would be associated with frontage roads that serve City of Madison parcels, including the golf course and properties described in the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan;
WHEREAS the agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for construction cost sharing defines the terms for the use of Federal funds and the agreement may require that the City indemnify the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation. City APM 1-1 requires Common Council Approval whenever the City indemnifies another party. The proposed indemnification language has been reviewed by the City’s Risk Manager. The City’s risk exposure is increased by this clause, but the exposure is covered by the City’s insurance policies, subject to their terms and conditions.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison agrees to contribute up to $5 million toward the construction local frontage roads that serve City of Madison parcels; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into project agreements with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Dane County, the Town of Cottage Grove and the Ho-Chunk Nation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council approves indemnification of the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation as set forth in the agreement in order to use federal funds for the improvement project.
THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Attorney is authorized to allocate city property for the establishment of frontage roads that serve the County AB interchange, subject to approvals by Park Commission, if necessary.