Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
Creating new Section 3.01(2) of the Madison General Ordinances to add a definition of the end of term of elected officials and renumbering current Section 3.01 to Section 3.01(1).
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: Madison has no rule about the end of a term for its elected officials. Thus, under existing law, all terms end on the third Tuesday in April. Usually, this is the time when new officials are sworn in. This year, there was the possibility of a delayed election, meaning that all officials whose term ended would leave office, and there would be the possibility of there being no Mayor and no alderpersons to serve until the election was held.
This amendment provides that all elected officials, including the municipal judge, serve until their successors are elected and qualified (sworn in). In normal circumstances, this does not change the transition to new officers. But in the rare event of a delayed or disputed election, it would assure that some person held the office in the interim.
This provision is not a charter ordinance.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Section 3.01 entitled “Organization Under Mayor Plan” is renumbered as follows:
“(1) The government of the City of Madison is organized and constituted under Wis. Stat. ch. 62 providing for the City Mayor and Aldermanic plan with a Common Council composed of twenty (20) alderpersons, one (1) from each aldermanic district. The Mayor and alderpersons are to be elected for a term of two (2) years; provided, however, that beginning with the 1991 Spring Election, the Mayor shall be elected for a term of four (4) years.”
2. Subsection (2) of Section 3.01 entitled “Organization Under Mayor Plan” is created to read as follows:
“(2) Except in cases of a resignation or other vacancy, all elected officials of the City of Madison will serve until their successors are elected and qualified.”