Fiscal Note
On March 23, 2020, the Mayor issued an Emergency Proclamation based on the increasing transmission of the COVID-19 disease within the City of Madison. To help mitigate the financial impacts of this emergency on the businesses and residents of Madison, the proposed resolution waives the requirement for accepting donations over $10,000 if the donations are for emergency-related cash or supplies and further waives the requirement that such donations be appropriated by the Common Council if the gift is not otherwise accounted for in an agency’s budget. The Department Head will notify the Finance Director and the Mayor of any such donations. The acceptance and appropriation of any such donations will be presented for approval via resolution at the next scheduled Common Council meeting.
There is no impact to the levy with this resolution. Any expenses incurred due to the donation will be offset by the donated funds.
Authorizes Departments to accept an appropriate donations to the City for response to the COVID-19 emergency without prior approval, subject to Council ratification
WHEREAS, on March 23, 2020, pursuant to Madison General Ordinance Section 3.19, the Mayor issued an Emergency Proclamation, based on the increasing transmission of COVID-19 within the City of Madison; and
WHEREAS, on March 24, 2020, the Governor of Wisconsin issued Emergency Order #12 ordering individuals to remain home except for Essential Travel; and
WHEREAS, as part of the Governor’s Order all Nonessential Businesses are required to close; and
WHEREAS, the closure of numerous businesses throughout the City has the potential to have significant financial impact on residents.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that effective immediately and until the Director of Public Health Madison and Dane County and the Governor of Wisconsin determine to end the emergency actions they have taken to combat the coronavirus pandemic, the requirement contained in Madison General Ordinance Section 4.29(4) that requires that donations to the City over $10,000 may only be accepted upon approval of the Common Council and that all donations must be appropriated by the Common Council if the gift is not otherwise accounted for in an agency’s budget is hereby waived. This waiver only applies to donations to assist the City’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. The donations are deemed appropriated for use to assist in the response to the COVID-19 crisis. The Department Head will notify the Finance Director and the Mayor of any such donations. The acceptance and appropriation of any such donations will be presented for approval via resolution at the next scheduled Common Council meeting.