Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a Boat Launch Use Agreement with Joe Daniels Construction Co., Inc. to use the Marshall Park boat launch for private shoreline restoration work. The Park Division anticipates charging the company a $1,000 up front fee and $50 each day that they use the launch. Revenue is estimated to be approximately $7,500. No appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Enter into a Boat Launch Use Agreement With Joe Daniels Construction Co., Inc. to Use the Marshall Park Boat Launch for Private Shoreline Restoration Work (2020).
WHEREAS, in 2018, the Madison area sustained periods of heavy rains, which, when combined with already high lake levels on Lake Mendota, caused areas of shoreline erosion and destabilization; and
WHEREAS, shoreline erosion and destabilization can lead to further property damage, as well as degradation in the water quality of the Lakes; and
WHEREAS, Joe Daniels Construction Co., Inc. (“Joe Daniels Construction”) has been hired by several shoreline property owners to perform shoreline restoration services, which work necessitates the use of barges, heavy equipment and the storage, loading and unloading of materials from land to the water; and
WHEREAS, there are limited areas where sufficient access to Lake Mendota is available to enable contractors to perform the necessary shoreline restoration work; and
WHEREAS, Joe Daniels Construction entered into an agreement with the City to use the Marshall Park boat launch as a loading and unloading area to enable them to perform shoreline restoration work from Lake Mendota in 2019 (RES-19-00457, Legistar #56162); and
WHEREAS, Joe Daniels Construction has expressed an interest in using the Marshall Park boat launch as a loading and unloading area to enable them to perform shoreline restoration work from Lake Mendota in 2020; and
WHEREAS, the Parks Division is agreeable to the use of the Marshall Park boat launch for th...
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