Modification of prior Common Council Proceedings of February 4, 2020 - Legistar File No. 59274 (Breese Stevens Field Informational reports regarding the 2020 Fan Access Plan and Neighborhood Impact Plan) and Legistar File No. 59428 (Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the contract with AVA Civil Enterprises, Inc. as a sole source for Project Director Services for the private development phase of the Judge Doyle Project (Blocks 88 and 105) through December 31, 2020 (4th A.D.)).
Modification of prior Common Council Proceedings of February 4, 2020 - Legistar File No. 59274 (Breese Stevens Field Informational reports regarding the 2020 Fan Access Plan and Neighborhood Impact Plant) and Legistar File No. 59428 (Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the contract with AVA Civil Enterprises, Inc. as a sole source for Project Director Services for the private development phase of the Judge Doyle Project (Blocks 88 and 105) through December 31, 2020 (4th A.D.)). The Common Council proceedings of February 4, 2020 incorrectly states that Legistar File No. 59274 as being introduced from the floor which is incorrect. Legistar File No. 59428 was introduced from the floor. The proceedings have been approved and published.
Pursuant to Sec. 2.04(1)(f), MGO, it is MOVED that the Proceedings of February 4, 2020, be modified to state that Legistar File No. 59274 was not introduced from the floor and Legistar File No. 59428 should be listed as being introduced from the floor.