Fiscal Note
No funds required.
Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM on South Gammon Road from US HWY 12/14 (West Beltline Hwy) to Mineral Point Road. (9th & 19th ADs)
The City of Madison has proposed a project to reconstruct South Gammon Road from US HWY 12/14 (West Beltline HWY) to Mineral Point Road. The proposed project includes the replacement of storm sewer, street lights, traffic signals, curb & gutter and asphalt pavement. Due to the high volumes of traffic on South Gammon Road, we propose to allow Contractors to perform limited work items between the hours of 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Allowing the Contractor to work outside the hours of 7 AM to 7 PM will limit the impact and delay to the traveling public and improve the efficiency of the Contractor. Work between the hours of 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM will be allowed only on a limited basis when deemed necessary, and must be preapproved by the City Engineer.
Madison General Ordinance Section 24.08(3) provides the Common Council the ability to allow construction activities outside of the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM with the passage of a resolution and a hearing before the Board of Public Works.
The work associated with the project cannot be fully constructed between the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM because:
1) Construction of a large, 54-Inch diameter, reinforced concrete storm sewer main is required with the project. Construction of this storm sewer main and associated large structures is required at the South Gammon Road and Odana Road intersection and will require limiting travel lanes at the intersection. Contract specifications require construction activities that disrupt live traffic lanes to take place during off-peak traffic hours in order to minimize the disruption and delay to the traveling public. The duration of work time required to extend the storm sewer main across the South Gammon Road and Odana Road intersection will require the Contractor to utilize off-peak work hours beyond the normal work hours of 7 AM to 7 PM.
2) Final surface paving operations on South Gammon Road will require travel lane closures and flagging operations on South Gammon Road. The duration of work time required to complete final paving operations will require the Contractor to utilize off-peak work hours beyond the normal work hours of 7 AM to 7 PM. Allowing the Contractor to conduct final surface paving operations outside the hours of 7 AM to 7 PM will limit impact and delay to the traveling public, improve the efficiency of the Contractor and allow for a higher quality paving operation because of lower traffic volumes during the paving operation.
The proposed activities beyond the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM are as follows:
1) Construction activities involving the placement of the storm sewer main and structures within the South Gammon Road and Odana Road intersection. Contractors will be allowed to perform this work between the hours of 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM if the proposed work is preapproved by the City Engineer. It is expected that this night-time work associated with storm sewer construction will occur approximately six times during the project. The expectation is that work during night-time hours will occur infrequently during the project.
2) Final surface paving operations on South Gammon Road. Allowing the final surface paving operations during off-peak, night-time hours will give the Contractor necessary time to complete these operations without affecting peak hours of traffic. It is expected that this night-time work associated with final paving operations will occur approximately four times during the project.
The Contractor shall make every effort to limit construction to the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM but shall be allowed to work beyond those hours at limited times if determined to be necessary by the City Engineer or designee. All work taking place between the hours of 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM shall be preapproved by the City Engineer. Excessively loud construction operations, such as pile driving, sheeting driving, pneumatic hammering or concrete breaking will not be allowed between the hours of 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM.
The limits of this construction are on South Gammon Road from US HWY 12/14 (West Beltline HWY) to Mineral Point Road.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that construction work, with associated noise impacts, between the hours of 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM on South Gammon Road from US HWY 12/14 (West Beltline HWY) to Mineral Point Road are hereby approved in accordance with section 24.08(3) of the Madison General Ordinances, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the construction activities outside of the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM are limited to those activities identified in this resolution and are limited to the hours specified, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the approval of that construction work, as provided in this resolution shall expire on December 31, 2020.