Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an amendment to the existing consulting services contract in the amount of $27,172 for architectural and design services for the master plan and engagement process for the Vilas Park Master Plan Project. funding for the increase is available in the existing project budget for the Vilas Park Improvements project (MUNIS #17184).
Authorizing the Finance Director's Designee to execute an amendment to the existing Purchase of Services contract with MSA Professional Services, Inc. for the Vilas Park Master Plan. (13th AD)
The parties, the City of Madison (“City”) and MSA Professional Services, Inc. (“Contractor”) entered into a contract for the purchase of architectural and engineering design services for the Vilas Park Master Plan on May 23, 2019 (RES-19-00384, File ID 55236).
The contract amendment for this resolution is to address extra consulting services for additional traffic count data and additional meetings and other enhancements to the engagement process and coordination efforts for the Final Park Master Plan and Final Master Plan Report.
In addition a contract extension for the additional engagement and outreach efforts and other associated changes to the schedule is included, with a new contract completion date of December 13, 2020.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Finance Director’s designee is authorized to execute Amendment #1 to the Contract between the City of Madison and MSA Professional Services, Inc., in a form approved by the City Attorney, to provide professional consulting services for the additional work as described above.