Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution would recreate position 1776 from a Maintenance Mechanic (CG13, R15) to a Maintenance Mechanic 2 (CG16, R15). The annualized cost of the proposed reclassification is $12,763 (including benefits). Cost associated with the reclassification will be absorbed within the Water Utility’s 2020 Operating Budget.
Reallocate the incumbent of position #1776, R. Planert, from a 1.0 FTE Maintenance Mechanic 1 (CG16, R13) to the 1.0 FTE budgeted position of Maintenance Mechanic 2 (CG16, R15) in the Water Utility budget.
Resolution reallocating the incumbent of position #1776, R. Planert, from a 1.0 FTE “Maintenance Mechanic 1” (CG16, R13) to the 1.0 FTE budgeted position of “Maintenance Mechanic 2” (CG16, R15) within the Water Utility Operating Budget, thereof.