Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a $193,500 purchase of service contract with the Lussier Community Education Center as a result of a request for proposals (RFP) process. The 2020 Adopted Operating Budget includes $193,500 for such contracts as proposed in the resolution. No additional City appropriation is required.
Approving the allocation of up to $193,500 of City funds, authorized in the City’s Adopted 2020 Operating Budget, for use in supporting the expansion of School-Age Child and Youth Development program capacity on Madison’s West Side, as part of a broader effort to assist families residing in Tree Lane Apartments.
WHEREAS, in June of 2018, Heartland Housing completed construction and opened Tree Lane Apartments, a 45-unit apartment building located on Madison’s west side, part of a City-led initiative to provide permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless families; and,
WHEREAS, responding to an identified need for additional support services that promise to improve the prospects for Tree Lane residents to achieve long-term housing stability, the Common Council, on February 26, 2019, enacted RES-19-00153 (Legistar #54560), a measure which committed more than $400,000 to ongoing support services, nearly half of which was designated for expanded youth programming in the area; and,
WHEREAS, RES-19-00153 authorized the Community Development Division (CDD) to award available youth program funds in 2019, via non-competitive contracts to Lussier Community Education Center and the Wisconsin Youth Company-Elver Park Neighborhood Center to provide youth programming through December 31, 2019, but directed the CDD to undertake a request for proposals process to select one or more organizations, subject to Council approval, to provide youth programming beyond that date; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has a long-standing commitment of financial support for programs that provide the care and resources needed to support pos...
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