Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Wisconsin -Madison to allow the UW Police Department (UWPD) to write certain citations as City of Madison ordinance violations to be processed in Madison Municipal Court. The MOU is for one year with an option to renew if agreed upon by both parties. It is expected the City will see between 150-200 additional citations per year resulting in $4,950 to $6,600 increase per year in court costs which are retained by the Municipal Court and $15,000 to $20,000 increase per year in base forfeiture revenues which are deposited in the general fund. To process UWPD citations, Municipal Court needs a modification to their court system software at a one-time cost of $10,059. Funding for the modification is available in the Municipal Court System project in Information Technology’s capital budget (Munis #17109). Municipal Court will also pay a modest increase its annual support and maintenance fees ($1,700) for the software which will be accommodated in future annual court budgets.
SUBSITUTE - A resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Wisconsin -Madison to allow the UW Police Department to write certain citations as City of Madison ordinance violations to be processed in Madison Municipal Court.
WHEREAS, UWPD citations issued for noncriminal violations are normally written for state circuit court and prosecuted by the District Attorney’s office; and
WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin Police Department (UWPD) has statewide jurisdiction to issue citations for certain noncriminal violations including those related to underage possession/consumption of alcohol, false identification, and disorderly conduct; and
WHEREAS, UWPD would like to write citations for underage possession/consumption of alcohol, false identification, and disorderly conduct occurring in the City as City of Madison o...
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