Fiscal Note
The 2019 Capital Budget includes $250,000 for the initial design work for a Public Works facility on the Far West Side (MUNIS Project 11038). The total project is estimated to cost $40,000,000. The 2020 Executive Capital Budget and CIP has placed the project on the Horizon List subject to additional planning and a cost benefit analysis of the new facility. The Executive Budget and CIP does not appropriate any additional funding for construction of the project. Existing funds will support Phase 1 of the proposed contract, subsequent phases are subject to future appropriations.
A resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a competitively-selected, two-phased Architectural Design services contract of more than 5 years with Engberg Anderson Inc. (9th AD)
WHEREAS the 2018 Capital Budget includes $250,000 for the Streets Far West Facility project; and
WHEREAS the Engineering Division requires consulting services in order to complete the Pre-Design, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documentation, Bidding and Negotiation, Construction Administration, and Warranty phases of the project; and
WHEREAS, the Engineering Division worked with the Purchasing Division to issue RFP # 8833 to solicit proposals for such services, and received 4 proposals; and
WHEREAS, an evaluation team consisting of Purchasing and relevant Engineering, Streets, Parks, and Fleet Divisions staff conducted a detailed evaluation, scored and ranked each of the proposals using criteria including cost, skill, past performance, and references; interviewed finalists and Engberg Anderson Inc. was selected through this process; and
WHEREAS, the RFP broke the work down into two phases. The first is the “Pre-Design” phase and if this is successful and acceptable to the City, the City would proceed to the second phase which includes Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documentation, Bidding and Negotiation, Construction Adminis...
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