Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes Fleet service to enter into a non-competitive selection contract with Winter Equipment Co for snow equipment items for a one year term with four one year renewal options. The estimated annual cost of the snow equipment is $240,000. Costs associated with this contract are in included the Fleet Division operating budget (purchased services).
A Resolution authorizing a non-competitive selection contract between The City of Madison, Wisconsin and Winter Equipment Co Inc.for a 1 year term with four 1 year renewal options, for snow plow wear items i.e. plow cutting edges.
WHEREAS, Winter Equipment brand cutting edges and other wear items have been used for many years by the Streets division. These wearable items protect valuable equipment and the city’s infrastructure. Snow and ice equipment wear items are purchased directly through Winter Equipment. Replacement of wearable items per manufacture recommendations and Fleet Service’s preventative maintenance is essential to prevent failure of components, and this program has been developed to prevent costly repairs and minimize down time; and
WHEREAS, this specialized equipment is complex and the preferred wearable used to standardize our fleet. Utilizing Winter Equipment brand and other wearables will prevent costly repairs to the city’s equipment and infrastructure; and
WHEARAS, Winter Equipment brand is the manufacturer and regional vendor for these specialized wearable items; and
WHEREAS, City’s fleet of snow and ice equipment, operated by the Streets division, is integral to maintain public safety and safe travels during snow and ice events within the city; and
WHEREAS, MGO 4.26 requires Common Council approval of service contracts of $50,000 or more if the contractor was not selected through a competitive selection process, and the reasons for selecting this contractor are set forth above and in the attached Noncompetitive Selection Request Form; and
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