Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an amendment to the existing contract for the University Avenue resconstruction design and engineering services in the amount of $74,427; the city will pay $62,519 and Village of Shorewood Hills will pay $11,908. Existing funding for this contract amendment exists within the carryforward planning and design funds for the University Avenue capital project within Engineering Major Streets.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the contract between the City of Madison and KL Engineering, Inc., for additional design engineering services for University Avenue from Shorewood Boulevard to University Bay Drive. (5th AD)
The City and Village of Shorewood Hills are proposing to reconstruct University Avenue from Shorewood Blvd. to University Bay Dr. in 2021. The City of Madison is the lead agency for the project and has entered into a design engineering contract with KL Engineering, Inc. (Contract No. 8089). The City of Madison and Village of Shorewood Hills are both participating in the design and shall cost share the design engineering contract.
The project includes design of storm water management facilities to improve storm water handling and mitigate frequent flooding events along the University Avenue corridor. Preliminary design services have indicated that evaluation of additional alternatives for storm water management are necessary to adequately address the storm water management needs of the corridor.
The City Engineer recommends that these additional design services be undertaken by KL Engineering, Inc. and that evaluation of a storm water tunnel route from the University Avenue /Midvale Boulevard intersection to Lake Mendota be completed and include an estimate of probable cost for construction of the potential new storm sewer line.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Am...
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