Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes execution of a lease with Steven Pederson for 53 acres of land within the Northeast Open Space. The proposed lease is for calendar year 2019 and totals $8,040, which will be deposited to the Parks Division Land Acquisition Project (Munis #17516). The Parks Division, Office of Real Estate Services, City Attorney’s Office, and Risk Management have reviewed the terms and recommend entering into the lease. No City appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a lease for farming purposes with Steven Pederson for approximately 53 acres of land within the Northeast Open Space. (17th A.D.)
WHEREAS, on June 6, 1995 the City of Madison adopted Resolution No. 52,281, ID No. 17302, which authorized a lease for farming purposes with Steven Pederson for a tract in the American Center Plat, which tract is part of the City’s Northeast Open Space; and
WHEREAS, Steven Pederson leased such tract for farming purposes continuously from September 26, 1996 until December 31, 2016; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison terminated such farm lease effective December 31, 2016 due to a potential conflict with DNR restrictions, which limit the use of the land to public park purposes; and
WHEREAS, the DNR recently agreed with Parks staff that farming of the tract provides the interim land management benefit of controlling invasive species and other undesirable vegetation and, therefore, is not in conflict with the DNR restrictions on the property; and
WHEREAS, the DNR has indicated its approval of renewed use of the land for farming purposes; and
WHEREAS; the City would like to offer a new lease to Steven Pederson for farming purposes; and
WHEREAS, the terms of a lease have been negotiated between Steven Pederson and the Office of Real Estate Services; and
WHEREAS, Parks Division staff have reviewed the lease terms and recommend entering into the lease with the Steven Pederson, and the lease has b...
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