Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes acceptance of $150,000 in funding from 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, Inc. and authorizes a sole source service contract for the creation of Shift, a public art installation at Highland Avenue Underpass. The 2019 adopted capital budget includes $150,000 of City funding for the proposed project in the Municipal Art Fund. The $150,000 contribution from 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, Inc. will bring the total project cost to $300,000. The 2019 adopted capital budget will be amended to reflect the $150,000 of private contribution. No additional City appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE- Authorizing the City of Madison to accept up to $150,000 in funds from 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, Inc. and amending the 2019 Planning Division operating capital budget to reflect this revenue, and to authorize the City to enter into a sole source service contract with Julia Schilling for the creation of Shift, a public art installation at Highland Avenue Underpass beneath Campus Drive.
WHEREAS, the Common Council adopted the Public Art Framework and Field Guide for Madison, Wisconsin and recommendations contained in the Framework (Resolution, I.D. 30476) on March 19, 2002; and
WHEREAS, on June 30, 2010, the Regent Neighborhood Association (RNA) held a public design charette that resulted in a vision for the corridor that prioritized creating public art for the two underpasses that connect the neighborhood with the UW-Madison Campus and UW Hospitals; and
WHEREAS, on May 6, 2014 the Common Council Adopted the University Avenue Corridor Plan (File ID 32635) that specifically recommends installing public art in these two underpasses to improve safety, walkability, and aesthetics; and
WHEREAS, in the spring semester of the 2013-2014 academic year, Associate Professor Sam Dennis of UW Madison's Landscape Architecture Department, assigned students a service learning project wherein they researched and created possible arts-based solutions to address neighborhood concerns about the safety, lighting, and walk-ability of the underpasses; and
WHEREAS, the resulting student proposals were presented to neighborhood association board members and residents at a meeting of RNA on March 26, 2014; and
WHEREAS, the neighborhood approved Julia Schilling to create her proposed design because it stood out as having an aesthetically pleasing design solution that also met all the criteria established by the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS on May 28, 2014 the Regent Neighborhood Association voted to have 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, Inc. (1000 Friends) act as the neighborhood's non-profit fiscal receiver for the purposes of raising private funds to help offset the costs of creation and installation of public art for the Walnut and Highland underpasses; and
WHEREAS, on October 7, 2014 the Common Council passed RES-14-00745, File # 35077, authorizing the Madison Arts Commission to administer a public art project beneath Campus Drive at the Walnut Street and the Highland Avenue underpasses, authorizing staff to apply for and accept grant funding and private donations for this project, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into agreements with 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Environmental Design Lab, and others as necessary for this project and amending the 2014 adopted capital budget of PCED as appropriate.
WHEREAS, the Common Council authorized a budget amendment for $150,000 in the 2019 Municipal Art Fund budget towards this project; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Division desires to enter into a contract with Julia Schilling in an amount not to exceed $150,000 to provide design services, fabricate, and install “Shift” for the Highland Avenue Underpass; and
WHEREAS, under MGO 4.26(4)(a) a service contract of more than $25,000 that was not competitively selected must be approved by the Common Council and must meet one of the exceptions in MGO 4.26(4)(b); and
WHEREAS, for the reasons stated on the attached Noncompetitive Selection Request Form, Julia Schilling is the only artist who can provide the specific needs for the creation of “Shift” for the Planning Division, thereby meeting the exception of MGO 4.26(4)(b)2., “the service required is available from only one person or firm.”
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2019 capital budget of Planning Division be amended so that the Municipal Art Fund project is authorized to accept and expend an additional $150,000 of private contributions for this project from 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, Inc. and that no expenditures from this additional amount will be made for the project unless private contributions have been realized.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Arts Administrator is hereby authorized to proceed with implementation of this project, not to exceed $300,000 in consultation with other City staff from Traffic Engineering, City Engineering, and Neighborhood Planning.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a sole source contract for purchase of services for up to $150,000 between the Planning Division and Julia Schilling for the design, fabrication, and installation of public art in the underpass at Highland Avenue beneath Campus Drive.