Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a sole source service contract with Stryker Medical for annual preventative maintenance and service for ambulance power cot and power load systems. The annual cost of this five year contract is $20,562.64 for a total cost over the five years of $102,813.20. Funding is included in the Fire Department's 2019 Operating Budget Equipment Improvement and Repair account (Munis 54330) and will need to continue to be included in future year's budgets.
Authorizing a sole source service contract with Stryker Medical as the only contractor who can perform annual preventative maintenance and service for ambulance power cot and power load systems.
WHEREAS, the Fire Department has purchased and implemented Stryker Power Load Systems and Power Cots in all front line and reserve ambulance units; and
WHEREAS, the Ambulance Power Cots and Power Load systems require annual maintenance and occasional repair to maintain optimum performance; and
WHEREAS, Stryker Medical utilizes proprietary diagnostic tools and software when servicing the Power Load systems and maintains its own field service team to perform maintenance using only parts manufactured specifically for Stryker products; and
WHEREAS, Fire Department staff have negotiated a 5 year no increase service contract with Stryker for a cost of $20,562.64 per year; total cost of contract $102,813.20; and
WHEREAS, equipment support and maintenance contracts of $50,000 or more that are not competitively selected must meet one of the exceptions stated in MGO 4.26(4)(a) and require Common Council approval and Mayor and Clerk signature; and
WHEREAS, this contract meets the exception in MGO 4.26(4)(a)2., “the service required is available from only one person or firm” because only Stryker can support and maintain its Power Load Cot systems, as explained in the attached Noncompetitive Selection Request Form;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign a contract for repair and maintenances purposes and at the price and duration described above, with Stryker Medical.