Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2019 Adopted Capital Budget to replace $76,000 of existing GO authority with an equal amount of federally funded reimbursement for street reconstruction costs associated with the August 20th flood response.
MUNIS Street-Capital:
12510-402-220 $76,000
12510-402-802 ($76,000)
Amending the 2019 Engineering-Major Streets Budget to allow for federal reimbursement for the reconstruction of Deming Way and authorizing the City Engineer to sign the required Wisconsin Department of Transportation State/Municipal agreement. (9th AD)
On August 20, 2018 the Westside of the City of Madison experienced a very significant rain event where amounts ranging from 5 to 10 inches of rain fell in approximately 6 hours. A portion of Deming Way was substantially damaged during the storm event. The roadway has been repaired and Federal funding is available to reimburse the cost to reconstruct the street. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is managing the federally funded reimbursement program.
1. The 2019 Engineering-Major Streets Capital Budget is amended according to the fiscal note.
2. The City Engineer is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for reimbursement of the costs to reconstruct Deming Way.